Craig Demmin Soccer (CDS) Registered Player Uniforms
Registered players, the CDS training uniforms are ready to order! Please use the following link to purchase required and optional training uniforms. The link also includes a Fan Wear option open to all players and their families wishing to purchase CDS apparel.
Players are required to select at least one kit (jersey, shorts, and socks) from the Uniform Kit link. Select Uniform Kit, then the player’s registered program under the Collection pop-up window. Players can purchase an additional kit from the Recommended link for their registered program.
Collection Categories:
Female Academy Kit
(12 & 6 month training programs only)
Female Small Group Training
(24 &12 session programs only)
Male Academy Kit
(12 & 6 month training programs only)
Male Small Group Training
(24 &12 session programs only)